Yesterday? Gorgeous. Not a single cloud. All day. And maybe that's what put me in a mood to have fun babysitting.
Or maybe it's because I felt so good after saving a small child's life. Okay so he probably wouldn't have died, but swings hurt. Especially if you're very tiny and the girl on the swing is not. Yes, I stepped up to the plate right as a small unknowing little boy was about to get the wind knocked out of him. His mother looked on helplessly since she was occupied by an even tinier child. She yelled something at the kid in another language, but this kid definitely did not put any stock in his mother's screechy warnings. I immediately stopped pushing The Cops' Kid to run and scoop up the little guy and place him nearer his mother and new sibling.
But SuperChristin's job was not done. The little boy started whimpering and clinging to me having seemingly decided I was a much more attentive mother. Mom was still struggling with the baby trying to attach it to her back with a piece of decorative baby-attaching cloth. She stood up repeating 'thank you' clearly not knowing many other English words. Then she handed me the other child, and said, "Help me?" At first, I thought she just wanted me to hold the kid for a minute. Then she bent over in front of me and patted her back. Slowly understanding the odd task put before me, I placed the baby belly-down on the woman's back. She tied herself up, repeated 'thank you' a few more times, and went about following her older and dangerously curious child.
Sadly, they didn't stay long, obviously not realizing a super hero had rescued a third of their group.

But. SuperChristin's job is never really done, you know?
Earlier that day The Cops' Kid learned to ride a bike sans training wheels. She couldn't get started without her dad or I holding onto this funny-looking attached device, but still.

Super heroes get kids to start bicycles independently.

I know if I had had The Heart Throb when learning to ride, I would have been doing wheelies and skid-stops in 30 seconds flat.
Yeah, I'm now sure that it wasn't The Cops' Kid at all. The powers of The Heart Throb and SuperChristin combined just couldn't be messed with.
So I don't know why she was so thirsty afterward.
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