Sunday, April 19

Sandy Escapades

It's getting to be beach time. I live for beach time. At this temperature post-summer, I'm bundling up and shutting windows. But now? Now it's skimpy clothes, and cross-ventilation as I relish the ebbing of those gruesome winter months. And I go to the beach.

But I'm still in school and locked to a great books curriculum. So I took some great books.

At first only a few Chicagoans were on the same page concerning the beach. I had one friend join me early on.

We were the hard-core beach goers who stayed all day. Us and a seagull or two.

Okay there were a lot of seagulls.

But then others caught on.

Some brave souls even decided to swim.

Well. One really eager (and presumably really cold) little girl anyway.

Although a few other adventuring kids ran around sans shirt.

But I guess if I decided to lug heavy pieces of driftwood from one side of the beach to the other for no reason at all... I'd be pretty warm myself.

The kids were pretty much the least of all concerned with the fact that April in Chicago doesn't really mean summer clothes. Or no clothes...

But you know? Sometimes you do have to act like it's summer even when it's not. Because if you don't? And you have a skin disease where your eyelids are devoid of pigment? And you decide to lay on the beach all day long?

Well. Let's just say sometimes being cooped up in winter has its advantages.

1 comment:

  1. Nice little photo storytelling. Ever seen stuff produced with Soundslides? You should download the free demo and see if you like it -- apparently it's popular with photojournalists. But just started reading today... looks like I'll be a regular. So keep it up! -Bro
