Sunday, April 5

A Birthday

So Monday was this girl's birthday.

She wanted to go out. Except for... it was Monday. Which means the next day is Tuesday. Tuesday isn't really Saturday. Tuesday isn't really Thursday either which, for me, is kind of like a Saturday. Nope. Her birthday was Monday.

So my roommate made her cupcakes which I decided to disguise as fat baby chicks. You know... so that people wouldn't eat them before we gave them to her.

There are a lot of vegetarians and vegans here at Shimer. Cupcakes? They might be inclined to commandeer cupcakes. Cute baby chicks? Not so much.

BUT. The poor thing didn't get to go out. Luckily the day after Friday is Saturday. So we went out Friday.
How, you ask, can a college student afford to take a friend out to dinner for her birthday? Or maybe you would ask how a babysitter could afford that. Or maybe you would really hit me hard and ask how an artist could. You would probably throw in 'starving' as a cute little adjective. And though you would be completely uncreative by throwing in the cliched adjective, I would answer you.

The Answer:

What is Groupon? The Groupon fairies explain it best:
Groupon is a deal a day site for Chicago. We find the unbeatable deals on fun stuff to do and buy in and around Chicago. But here’s the catch - you only get the deal if a certain number of people join. That’s why businesses offer us these prices, because we can guarantee them volume.

Groupon = “Group” + “Coupon”
So the other day the groupon was to pay five dollars for fifteen dollars worth of food at a Mediterranean restaurant.

I am not stupid. I bought the Groupon.

and proceeded to the Sultan's Market by bus.

and brought friends.

including the birthday girl who ate this:

Compliments of Groupon, of course.

And what do you know, Groupon picked a winner. Good food. It was open late...

It was pretty:

And. Most importantly...

It had a sea horse. Winner!

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