So I took this trip. To a craft store. This is really never a good idea. I wander through the aisles visualizing myself spending excessive amounts of time combining all products offered into ridiculously crafty superfluities. I usually end up talking myself down from most of it but only after wasting a good number of precious minutes.
I had a specific purchase in mind. Because I keep making cupcakes. And I knew somewhere out there existed a product to house them.
This is what I went for. And I almost didn't get it. Due to the fact that should I not own a cupcake storage unit I am still able to make cupcakes. I am just forced to put them on plates. How boring.
But I knew if I bought this, it would make waiting for the bus a happier experience. Because I would be waiting for the bus as the proud owner of a vessel that exists solely for the purpose of holding my cupcakes!
Except for this device had options. Options people. It can hold regular sized-cupcakes. Or you can take out the cupcake holder and it can hold sheet cakes. Or you can turn the holder over and hold a million tiny cupcakes!
But here's the thing. I didn't have anything with which to make tiny cupcakes. And I really just can't own a tiny cupcake holder without the ability to make tiny cupcakes.
So I also bought myself this ability. Look how pretty:
Which is still lovely and useful for making slightly less fun, regular-sized cupcakes. But really. No contest.
And with these fabulous new purchases, you know what I found?
I make even more cupcakes.
Spreading and piping the icing-paint. It's my favorite part. I can't do it without smiling. It's a remarkably tranquil task.
The thing about iced cupcakes though? Very difficult to share with people in different states. So I super-glued them into boxes.
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