So there's this store in Bridgeport. It's called The Egg Store. I don't really know why. I mean. They do sell eggs. But it's a tiny store. And eggs are a tiny part of the tiny store. It's mainly produce which gives it its lovely ripe odor.
In any case it's very close to The Cops' house. So I go all the time. Often for eggs. A few weeks ago when I went? I saw some poppy seeds. And I'm sure lots of places sell poppy seeds. But if they do they're in obscure sections of big chain groceries in which I often find myself.
Now I don't know a lot of use for poppy seeds really. No matter what I tell myself, I'm not actually a culinary master. BUT. I'm all the time buying those little just-add-water packages of lemon poppy seed muffins. Because lemon poppy seed muffins are exceedingly tasty. But seriously. Who has poppy seeds? I've certainly never had poppy seeds layin around.
I decided to join the ranks of those weird people who have poppy seeds layin around. For the sole purpose of making my own lemon poppy seed muffins.
But then I stuck them in a drawer and proceeded to make all kinds of other baked goods for the next two weeks.
Until Wednesday. Wednesday I had a weird handful of time before class that was just perfect for the use of those lovely seeds. So I opened the drawer and pulled out some seeds.
Then I loaded up my tiny cupcake pan, popped them in the oven, and began to clean up. Which involves licking batter, obviously. Mmm love those crunchy seeds.
Man. Poppy seeds not from a just-add-water package have a weird aftertaste. Hm. It is actually a very unpleasant aftertaste.
So you know how I said I'd never owned a package of poppy seeds before? Yeah I guess I wasn't used to just how tiny those things actually are.
Also not used to cooking with seeds in general. Because apparently there exists more than one variety of small, black seeds. Go figure.
So there I was with tiny lemon mustard seed muffins in the oven and a bowl full of batter left to bake.
Luckily tiny muffins don't take long, so I was able to taste them before class. And they weren't bad, really. They just weren't good really either.
So I had to break out the big guns.
And turn them into tiny lemon mustard cupcakes with cream cheese icing.
Because I may not be a culinary master, but my cream cheese icing rocks. I say my cream cheese icing as if the recipe stays the same every time. Which is not true at all. I have no idea what all is in this stuff. But it sure is good.
Whatever is in that icing definitely saved those tiny muffin/cupcakes.

Aaand I figured since I had the colors, I may as well try and make actual sheep cupcakes instead of bears on clouds trying their hardest to be sheep like last time.
Little better right? I thought so.
Someday I'll make actual lemon poppy seed muffins from scratch. Until then, I'm studying up on the differences:
Mustard Seeds-BIG
Poppy Seeds- tiny
Ooor I guess I could just turn it over and read the label...
But seriously, who does that?